Monday, February 28, 2011

19 things I have done

Well for those of you who know me you know that I have a birthday coming up, for the ones who don't, my birthday is this Saturday! I will be 20 years of age, and I have to admit I am not so thrilled about it. See being 20 means never being able to call my self a teenager anymore, I actually have to be accountable for my actions. I do not like the fact that I am having to grow up, in a way I think it is because I am a little scared. See I cried when I turned 13, because I was growing up, and now reality has once again slapped me in the face. I know what I want to do, I have my dreams and goals all set out, but does being so prepared automatically mean you will succeed. I know I am a strong person, I have been through things many people will never understand, and I am who I am because of them. I also know that a good head, and determination won't guarantee you a successful lifetime. So to keep my self grounded I decided to make a list of 19 things I have done during the 19 years I have been alive. So here it goes.

1. Survived a hurricane, tornado, snow storm, and a earthquake.

2. Lost my best friend, and a love of my life! RIP Brandon

3. Felt the pain of discrimination and became stronger

4. Learned what it was like to follow God

5. Watched my parents go through everything bad, to give us everything good

6. Learned how to become a true friend

7. Learned what it was like to have true friends

8. Experienced the pride in becoming an aunt

9. Learned how to make my dreams a reality

10. Felt what is was like to be loved

11. Felt what is was like to be hated

12. I can solve any problem thrown my way

13. There is no greater joy than making my parents proud

14. I am worth more than I could ever imagine

15. Never judge a book by its cover

16. Everything looks worse before it gets better

17. No one can bring me down, I will always bounce back

18. Be proud of where you came from, never hide who you are

19. Never look for love, because it will always find you

I challenge everyone who decides to read this, make a list of the things you have done in your lifetime. I promise you when you are through and read it back to yourself, you will see you are an awesome individual, who deserve everything good the world has to offer. Thank you for reading, and would love to hear your comments

With peace and love,

Friday, February 25, 2011

What a long week it has been

So this week has been pretty long, at least to me. It has been feeling like Friday since Wednesday, and now that it is Friday I am sick in bed! I hate when things like this happen to me. Well besides the fact that my Friday sucks this past week has been pretty amazing. Take last night for instance, I got to watch John Mulaney perform, things don't get much better than that. You see I am on the Comedy Committee here at school, and because of that I get to meet many famous comedians and other acts. John Mulaney was special though, you see he has my dream job ( Writer for Saturday Night Live) and I hate him for it. Although he remembered my name and took pictures with me, I hope we meet again in the near future! Well even though my mourning has been pretty lame today is my Dad's birthday. Even though he is 7 hours away I still got him a little something. Before I explain what it is you must know that I love to make my parents cry. So for my dads 39th birthday I blew up a picture of us when I was younger and made him a very beautiful poem. The picture is of my dad holding my on his lap and me crying. We were at a cheer competition and I had messed up my routine and I ran off stage crying and only wanted my daddy, so he took to back to the stands and just held me. I would like everyone to know that now I am crying thinking of this special moment in my life, so I know for a fact my parents will be hysterical. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!!!
Well I have some pretty big plans for this weekend and need a little advice, Saturday I am attending a Cowboys and Indians party and I don't know which to go as. Does anyone have any ideas???
Also on Saturday I am going to Devils Den with some friends and I am pretty excited about it, I have been wanting to go since freshman year, and now I finally get to. Well I think that is about all I have left in me, the bed is calling my name.
Until next time,
With peace and love,

Thursday, February 17, 2011


So finally the weather is awesome, no more snow, just shorts, flip-flops and a smile.. I don't know what it is about spring that puts me in such a good mood, but I love it. So at lunch today I sat not with my usual group, but an awesome group of girls who I have become very close with. So there was four of us and we decided to get a booth beside a window so that we could see outside. This is where our "Game" started, and where I advise everyone and their friends to play this so called game. Have you ever just stared at someone and wondered about their life, like where they are from, or if they are having bad day. Well that's basically our game, we watched people walk back and forth all during lunch and we made up their lives. We saw boys talking to girls, girls on the phone, girls talking to girls, and boys talking to boys. While in the midst of this amazing and hilarious game, we noticed this girl, just sitting on the half sized wall. We wondered what she was doing, she had her black sunglasses on, awesome sandals, and hair in a side pony, we could tell on the spot this girl was waiting on someone. She waited and waited and waited some more, I felt bad for her she sat their for 30 minutes, just looking all around her, fidgeting with her shoes, and boiling. When finally across the street we notice a guy walking rather fast, and we knew she was waiting on him. Sure enough he walks up to her and she stands up and walks away from him. Now we were happy she did this, I mean this guy had her waiting for 30 minutes, but my deal was why didn't you leave sooner. I would never sit and wait for 30 minutes for a guy, she should have been tough enough to just walk away. You can learn a lot about a person by their actions, and yes we are aware it was creepy of us to watch for that long, but amusing, and lets be real everyone at least once in their life has creeped on another, so don't judge us.
So that was today's story, and now I want to ask some questions I learned in my ethics class last night. So we were determining if we were ethical or not by these questions. I will list the questions and you guys can answer!

1. So you are in a cave with a tour group and the only way out was through this hole, Your tour guy who is a heaver set man goes first but gets stuck, at this point the cave starts to collapse and the only thing you can do is blow him up with dynamite, where he will die but everyone in the cave lives, or you can all die together. What would you choose??

2. You are in the ER and there are 5 people who have cancer and these 5 people need new organs quick, a healty man walks in and you think to yourself we can kill him and take his organs in order to save these 5 people. Would you do it??

P.S. Remember you cant ask questions just answer the questions as written. Also in the ER story try to think of it as those are the only people in the world.
Have fun reading and answering

With love and happiness, Skylar

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Off the Wall!

Hey there everyone. So its been awhile I know, and while some hope I will never write again it doesn't stop me. So Valentines Day was yesterday, and I received the sweetest letter from my Dad, and the nicest message from my brother, both of which made me cry. See I really hate Valentines Day, and no it isn't because I don't have someone to spend it with, but because I don't understand why girls and guys become so Goo-Goo over it. What I don't get is why only one day a year is a significant amount of love for one relationship. Please readers enlighten me on why you love or hate Valentines Day. Maybe I am coming from the wrong side of things so I would really like hear the opinions of others on the matter.
On a more serious matter, Egypt. So I have become interested in the happenings there, and have a few opinions. For one I am so pleased that the people of Egypt were able to get what they wanted, it goes to show how when working as a whole your voice, your strength, and your resistance grows. What I hated to see more than anything was our President backing the statements of Mubarak; I understand that Egypt is our ally and we need all the allies we can get, but supporting the views of a President who goes against every law that has been enacted is to me the wrong way. The people of Egypt were looking to America for help and guidance and the speaker of America ignored their wishes. I feel that if Obama was looking to keep an ally he should have been looking at the bigger picture, he new Mubarak would not be in power much longer and that someone new and someone the people wanted would come into power. Now the Egyptians might feel like that one time we were not behind them and their rights so now they wont be behind us. Now I am not the President or in government, but as a person, someone who could easily be in the same positions as those in Egypt, that would be how I would see things. By now President Obama may already be helping their government flourish and I hope that he is, I trust that he will make the right decisions, but I would love for those decisions not to backfire.
So a weird mix of topics today I understand, but my mind is often rambling from topic to topic. I hope to have some interesting and relatable topics for you guys soon. I want to stick with this blogging thing, it really helps me unwind. Well until then.
With love and respect

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sorry we have been missing!

Hello once again everyone, I want to apologize for how long it has been since we have posted. My summer was busy, and I wasn't in the hey lets write a blog and spill my life kinda mood. Well I suppose I will just start somewhere, so I will jump right in. Well I am back at school and taking 7 classes, so yes I'm insane and extremely stressed out, and its only 4 weeks into the semester. Nothing too exciting there but I do have some guy news! I met this guy lets call him Bob, well Bob is absolutely amazing, he is handsome, sweet, kind, and a Christian which I love. He even went to Guatemala where he built homes for orphans, can anyone be any more perfect. Well here is where I would like the advice of my readers. I am terribly awkward, shy, and all around dumb when it comes to him. I dint know what comes over me, but its like someone takes my speech away, and I am only allowed to speak in baby talk. So we all know that isn't attractive to guys, or at least I hope not because that would make you a pedophile. Well anyways, I want to hang out with him and get to know him more, we have short conversations when we see each other, but I want a more in depth discussion, about family's, goals, and views on the world. I really like this guy and don't want to screw it up. If there was a Step up your Game for Dummies book then I would probably go and buy it. Its amazing how everyone of my friends come to me for relationship advice, but when it comes to my relationships all I can possibly say is BLAH BLAH BLAH! I have a brain I swear it just likes to stop working every time Bob enters a room, or just from the sheer mention of his name. So guys please help me out, I will take all advice, good and bad, just help me make this happen! I don't have much other than my guy dilemma, but I promise to keep everyone up to date, and have more exciting things in the future.
Thanks for reading,
With the creepiest of love, Skylar

Monday, June 28, 2010

I'm sorry I go missing often

So things are kind of busy with summer classes wrapping up, at least the first set, so I'm sorry for my lack of presence. Good news for you though, is that my awkwardness has reached a point where I just have to take the time to share it with you.

Have you ever been caught staring at someone? I think this has happened to everyone, in a less extreme way, at least. I was driving in my vehicle on campus yesterday when I proceeded to stop at a red light. Of course, the most incredible body I've ever seen runs past me. I mean, I cannot express to you the amazing-ness of this body. I'm not typically the kind of girl that gets this way over a hot bod, but this was seriously an exception. Also, it's two pm and blisteringly hot outside, so there was a lot of sweat happening, too. And he was running, so there were muscles flexing, and it was just unbearable. Well, I suppose the light turned green while I was admiring this work of art, and the person behind me had to honk to bring me back to reality. As I drove off, I took my time and maybe turned my head out the drivers window to get a second look. And then he saw me and acknowledged that he saw me. By waving. You know, the nonchalant, I know you're imagining me forcefully throwing you down, wave. It was then that I realized that this guy is a ME major that I have classes with. And he lives next door to a friend of mine. Awkward? Yes. Story of my life. Kind of like the time that I was admiring a man in the grocery store and ran into an aisle...

So yeah. I'm going to have to work on that. Actually, it isn't hard to work on that because of undisclosed personal reasons maybe involving my admiration of a certain someone. Which I presume is going to cause a lot more awkward moments. And creepy ones. Like me saying weird things, because everyone knows that when I get nervous I say weird things.

Um. Here a few other things that have been on my mind.

--"Don't be a statistic." People who say this, have obviously never taken statistics. It bothers me to no end when I hear this used. "Practice safe sex, so you don't get pregnant in high school. Don't become a statistic." "Don't drive drunk. Don't be a statistic." Correct me if I'm wrong, but a negative statistic (like the statistic that 1/3 of girls will get pregnant in their teens) has a positive counterpart (2/3 of girls won't!). So even if you don't do whatever the statistic is warning you against, you'll be part of the counterpart statistic. NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, IT CAN BE RELATED TO A STATISTIC. So yeah, that really bothers me.

--I have really bad road rage. Like really bad. I yell a lot of vulgar things at people while I drive. I don't really have a funny story about it. Actually, I'm trying to stop doing it all together. It's kind of rude of me. I mean, it's definitely rude. I say incredibly rude things in the midst of my road rage induced outbursts. I need someone to question my actions more, which may explain my attraction to my current crush. BUTTTTT that's a story for another day because I really shouldn't get too excited and ahead of myself about it. Or I might puke. Literally.

--Day dreaming slash coming up with elaborate scenarios in your head. Do you do that? Because I most certainly do!! The other day while I was driving home from college, I thought of whether the guy I like would like my hometown. I have come up with the belief in my head that this guy is the kind of guy I could get a cat with. Like I have the whole scenario planned out. He has an apartment, and I can't have cats at my place. So I'm thinking that after we've been dating for a while, he say he had a surprise day planned for us and we'd go pick out a cat at the animal shelter and take him to his apartment and name it and love it. I'll openly acknowledge that this increases my creepy factor exponentially. So I need to stop that.

Oh. And, btdubbs, I'm moving to Ireland for 5-8 months. The cool part about that sentence is that I'm 100% not kidding. In January. I'm spending Spring and Summer of 2011 studying there. So I'm actually about to go have a meeting with my adviser about it, and chat about the university I chose. Which is Queen's University in Belfast, Ireland, if you were wondering. Yeah, I'm pretty excited about that.

Soooo. If you have any advice for me, let me know. About Ireland, the crush I have, anything really.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Feeling a little like Joe Dirt!

Alright so have you ever been lost? Not just in a car and you took the wrong turn, but really lost somewhere and you have no way to contact anyone? Well lucky for me, that happened this weekend. At Lonestar park of all places, if you don't know what that is, it is the horse races. So let me take you on my journey to feeling so alone.

So this past week me and two really good friends of mine decided that we would go to the Eli Young Band concert, being hosted at Lonestar park. What we didn't know was that everyone plus their second cousin twice removed would be there. We were completely overwhelmed by the amount of people who showed up to watch ONE band perform. We knew a good number of people that were there already so we set out trying to find the best seat in the house. Well we noticed no one was writing back, and that is when we noticed none of our phones were working. It was like on New Years when everyone is trying to send Happy New Years text and the phone service gets backed up and the next day at like 3 you receive 80 more Happy New Years! I felt like this was maybe happening now. There were just so many people there and the majority of them were on their phones, that the system was just simply backed up. So we decided, well I guess being on the side of the stage is going to have to do. We tried to enjoy in the concert the best we could, but the combination of humidity, a mass number of people, the smell of alcohol and drugs just wasn't going to cut it.When luckily an old high school graduate of ours walked by, he told us to follow him, that everyone we knew was together. So we set out on a mission to find our friends, only problem was this kid walked at the speed of lightening, and there were at least 6 people in front of me, all of which were taller . So yes you called it this is where I got lost!

While we were walking I started to get this feeling like I was alone, and well I was. I stopped to see if I could see anyone I knew, and well that was a bust. I now had walked a good 50 yards alone. So I whip out my phone to try and call my friends, when I remembered, o ya my phone doesn't work. Wonderful, I don't know where I am, I don't know where my friends are, and the lesbian couple making out beside me was making me feel really uncomfortable. I felt awful, it was like everything was in slow motion. There I was, alone, in a sea of people, everyone walking past me, bumping into me, looking at me, people laughing, people talking, it was the most horrific feeling I have ever felt. At one point I looked up to the stars and thought really, why me, why do this to me. I was so freaked out and helpless I thought well maybe the North Star could guide me home, but we all know that wouldn't work in that situation, I was just helpless. I felt like Joe Dirt when his family left him at the Grand Canyon, just like that, a little boy with a mullet next to something enormous. For the first time in forever I really felt alone in the world.

So as I stood there I thought of what I should do, I could go back to the car, I could go back to where we were standing before, or I could have them call my friends over the intercom like they do for last children at Walmart. During all these thoughts I happened to turn slowly and wouldn't you believe it, my friend, she was on her phone, busting her way through the crowd, sweat dripping down her face, all for me. She ran to me, asked me what had happen, and I told her I was Joe Dirt!! I was so glad she came looking for me, I never had felt more relieved in my life.

I was lost for a good 20 to 30 minutes, enough time to think of every possible thing that could happen to me. I would like to blame Lonestar for allowing so many people in there, and my phone service, get your stuff together, so things like this doesn't happen again! We all decided it was a good time to leave before anything else happens to me! I love my friends, they are the absolute best! Thanks guys!

With love, Skylar